Thursday, 4 August 2016

Rendered Result with brightness, background made in AE

3 Animations:
Triangles appearing
Sphere Forming
Wire Color Changing overtime
Rendered with mantra surface.

Used a texture on reflect base, metallic reflections.
Played around with roughness and intensity.

For the wires and the balls are keyed with color.
did a sin($F) so the color would go from shiny white to black and to white.
I'll upload the rendered result with edits in after effects on the background
Added an environment light with a map applied to suit a certain picture's lighting

Afterwards I added few nodes to make the shapes of each looks smoother and more abstract like.
Added a copy node and a sphere node to fix the spheres on the edge of each triangle shape
Next up, added a carve and poly wire node to create a wire that looks nice and make each face of the wire looks slick.
Afterwards I merged them together and apply texture/ material on them, I'll talk about it next post.

Continue progress, i added a attribute vop node for the appearance of the parts
Added a pyro noise for the randomness, basically the parts which is affected by the noise ( the white colors) will appear, meanwhile the white ones wont, so it'll look like them appearing in mid air.

Promoted some of the parameters so i could adjust the values out the vop node interface.
Attributes promoted : Frequency , offset , Bias, Gain, Final Amplitude.
Added a primitive node for more dynamic animation by setting $CR in X scale and pasting relative references in Y and Z.
the foreach is to break the input geometry into pieces that correspond to each group or attribute value and run the SOPs on each piece, thus each of the will be affected by the transform node each by each.


Basically I started with a sphere

Added facet to separate each face of the sphere. Of course the sphere is a polygon so it'll have sharp edges. And by using primitive to scale each of the faces down, it'll look like sphere faces with gaps between it.

The node that provides me with the animation is the spring node with turbulence up.
The file cache is for me to cache the simulation to disk.
And below the file cache i added a time warp so it'll be parts of the sphere forming instead of the sphere exploding into parts

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

My First Post
Basically Im thinking of doing a sphere animation where the parts of spheres which is triangles will form into a circle which looks metallic and realistic, and they are connected by dots